Omnibus Organizing is ready to help with all your organizing and storage needs.
1630 North Main Street, #144
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Moving Coordination
- Let us purge and organize before your move – unpacking will go twice as fast.
- Don’t pay to haul unwanted items.
- We can unpack for you – so you get established faster.
- We’ll even make the beds and set up the coffee station for you.
- Is your business growing faster than your office systems can accommodate?
- Does your office represent your professional image?
- How much time do you waste looking for things you know you have?
- How many times do you buy more supplies then find the original ones?
- Do you store client information? Our NAPO code of ethics protects confidentiality.
Space Planning
- We can make your space work for you.
- Don’t keep struggling – set up the right systems.
- Removing clutter increases energy flow.
- Enjoy your home again.
- Our smart solutions will remove frustrations and help you thrive.