Getting ready to sell your home can be exhausting. We lower your stress level by preparing a schedule to keep you on track.
Working methodically, we can help you sort, donate, and de-clutter to showcase your home.
Our goal is to avoid moving items you no longer need. We can pack as we organize, saving you time at both ends of the process.
Our labeling system will ensure the boxes end up in the right room at your new home. (often this is different as house configurations change and spare bedrooms become offices)
Once the boxes arrive, let our team come in and take care of unpacking. That way you’ll get it right the first time instead of working around half-empty boxes for weeks (or months).
We will amaze you with our efficiency – right down to removing all the boxes and paper.
Don’t struggle alone – call Omnibus Organizing to help with one – or all – of the stages of relocating. Get in touch now!
1630 North Main Street, #144
Walnut Creek, CA 94596